The 5000M/5K and archiving…

The tagline of the Untamed Runner advertises “Running anecdotes, running food reviews, some race coverage, and more.” That is what the site has featured for nearly six years and in a broad way, it will continue in that way. However, a couple of changes are coming and here is an overview.

Some of my older content is archived. Specifically, I’ve created an archive page for my race recap posts. The original posts are copied in their entirety onto a single page titled Archive, along with their headlines and date stamps. They were removed from the regular feed and the Archive can be accessed from the menu on the front page. In addition, I have several older posts related to running food/nutrition reviews. As these also are listed on the Running Pantry Page, I removed them from the current feed, as well. The goal is to streamline my post listings and make them more easily searched.

My next handful posts will focus on the history of the 5000M and 5K, as well as looks at current races and rankings for them. I find the distance fascinating and while it’s a well-known race and the most popular one for people to run or participate in, it also exists on the periphery of popular running knowledge.

From my own experience, the 5000M/5K is difficult, so much so that I’ve dabbled with the idea of not doing it any longer. Yet, I also love it and keep going back to it. It’s a “fun” course length: long enough to require some strategy but short enough that it’s possible do them in weekly succession if I so choose. I also suspect that since it was my formative racing distance, it’s deeply embedded in my running DNA. For novice runners, it’s a solid distance to do when they’re starting out.

In short, it provides many opportunities to all levels of runners, it exists as a staple distance at the professional level, and there have been some legendary performances in it. Much more to come on the 5000M/5K…