The Running Pantry

Those who regularly read my posts know that there are reviews of running food. Here is a complete list of those reviews organized by food type (gel, chews, drinks, etc.) and then by brand. Some of them were written to tie into the post in which they appeared and the language for those been adjusted as some of the language was a bit out of context. The original reviews remain as part of their posts.

Running food/drink reviews (note–gels, bars, chews, sports drinks and other items affect everyone differently. Try them on a short run before using them for a key training run or race):

Clif Shot Citrus: I’m really glad Clif managed to knock out the brown rice syrup flavor of their gel line, as I’ve mentioned before. This had a citrus flavor and went down smoothly. It also had 25mg of caffeine which was a pleasant amount. I started out on the run feeling a little sluggish but was moving along nicely by the end. While I have and will continue to purchase a couple of Gu flavors regularly, I need to remember to also get the Clif Shots. They’re good on multiple levels.

Clif Shot Double Espresso: Wow. This stuff has 100mg of caffeine and tastes like rich coffee ice cream. However, be prepared for the caffeine and make sure you need it. It hit me in what seemed like seconds. I took it before I was going to run and while putting on my running clothes, I could feel it. Besides that, it did its job well and I could feel the caffeine effects through my run.

Clif Shot Mocha: Bring out the fork and knife. This stuff is thick. It would be not be good during a run, especially one like a marathon where you may be trying to ingest it quickly. It does have 50mg of caffeine so as a pre-early morning run boost, it could be outstanding. I had a very empty stomach prior to starting my run when I used this but I felt good the whole way. Considering how thick it was, it was kind of like a meal.

Clif Shot Razz: This tasted like raspberry jelly and though that’s not the first flavor I go for when making toast, it was pretty good. Unlike the Clif Shot mocha, this was much smoother and went down easily. It did what it was supposed to, as well, in terms of energy.

Clif Shot Strawberry. Clif has been a popular brand among athletes, especially runners, for a long time. I’ve always loved Clif Bars. However, years ago their gels, known as Clif Shots, had a heavy brown rice syrup flavor. Many people liked it. I was not a big fan. However, I tried the strawberry Clif Shot last week. It is all strawberry, no brown rice syrup that I can taste, and it is all good. I’m glad because it is highly regarded and it’s good to have an additional flavored gel I enjoy.

Gu Blackberry. Tasted like blackberry paste. Nothing particularly remarkable about this one and if it’s ever being handed out for a race, I’ll be fine using it.

Gu Birthday Cake. This Gu tasted like a Costco or Target sheet cake and not just the cake part. They blended in an icing flavor so it was the same taste as a big mouthful of cake with the icing on top. Did it work? How could it not? Yes, nice energy boost, and probably better than the simple sugar rush you’d get from using actual cake. So, you can have your cake and eat it, too, at least until you’re down to your last packet.

Gu Campfire S’mores: Note that it’s not oven s’mores or microwave s’mores. Campfire S’mores. To maximize the flavor, I tried this on a cold, rainy morning. It tasted good (maybe the weather helped) and it had a positive energy boost. I actually ate this on the first morning after taking 9 days off and it helped me run through any rust buildup.

Gu Cucumber Mint: This is not a flavor I would normally choose as I’m not a cucumber mint guy. However, for the sake of variety I picked it up to review it. While I won’t buy it again, I would recommend it if you like cucumber mint. Given that cucumbers don’t carry a strong flavor, I wasn’t surprised that the mint dominated the taste. But, I could tell both flavors were there. Also, it did its job with an energy boost.

Gu Gingerade: I’m not exactly sure what “Gingerade” is–it sounds like a bad flavor of punch from a reception–but for the Gu it’s a gentle flavor, not offensive in any way, and it gives you the energy you need. If anyone knows what Gingerade is supposed to taste like, let me know and I’ll be glad to do a follow-up review.

Gu Hoppy Trails: A couple of times I’ve gone for a run after a late-afternoon holiday lunch where I’d had a beer or two. Based on that, I was going to jokingly review beer as a pre-run energy food and give it a thumbs-down. It made me sluggish and I’m glad I was only going a few miles. However, Gu has introduced Hoppy Trails and it tastes just like beer. Unlike actual beer, this product gives you a boost during your run. The company is very clear that there is no alcohol and they also don’t put any caffeine in it. The hoppy flavor isn’t overpowering. While I wouldn’t use this as a go-to gel, given the number of runners who love beer as a post-run refreshment, this is a good way to sneak that flavor in before and during the run without compromising your energy level. In fact, you’ll enhance it.

Gu Lemon Sublime: The flavor on this one was “eh” for me. It is slightly citrus-based but it didn’t blow me away. It does have caffeine which I noticed. While it didn’t have a negative impact on my running, the flavor didn’t warrant my buying another one.

Gu Mandarin Orange: This one is interesting. For the flavor, it has an orange flavor when you first eat it, but the mandarin-orange specific flavor hits more as an aftertaste. The important factor, does it work, is a yes. It does give a pleasant boost of energy.

Gu Salted Caramel: Nice flavor, tastes like salted caramel. Good energy boost and with a little caffeine, you supplement any rush you might have missed if you cut back on your coffee on race/long training run morning.

Gu Salted Watermelon: This tastes exactly like salted watermelon. Luckily, I’m not a big fan of salted watermelon because I didn’t feel much of a boost at all. And, while I didn’t experience the same intensity of GI effects as the Clif Bloks Salted Watermelon, they weren’t absent either.

Gu Strawberry Banana: This had a very mild flavor and was evenly balanced between the strawberry and banana. There’s no caffeine in this one but overall, I felt pretty good and there were no GI issues.

Gu Tastefully Nude: This gel is supposed to be flavorless. It’s not. There is a slight sweetness in there and I can’t pinpoint it. However, I emphasize the word “slight” because it is there more as an afterthought and if you don’t like the other flavors out there, this is a good alternative. There is caffeine if you want that. The day I tested it I ran around lunchtime and my body was ready for lunch. The gel didn’t fill me up by any means but I did make it through the 4.5 mile run better than I would have on an empty stomach.

Gu Toasted Marshmallow: This tasted exactly like toasted marshmallows, which may say more about marshmallows than the food engineers at Gu. I used it for a mid-afternoon run in 90+ temps after eating less than normal for breakfast and lunch. My time was solid and it gave me the extra surge I needed to finish strong. I do recommend this one.

Gu Vanilla Bean.  Maybe it’s just me, but I’m weirded out when the term “bean” is used in conjunction with a flavor most commonly used to describe ice cream. However, this tasted just like vanilla and it worked well.

Gu (Roctane Line) Blueberry Pomegranate: The flavor emphasis is on the blueberry with this gel though there’s a hint of pomegranate. I include my disclaimer for a few reasons including that some of these products may work well for others but not for me and vice versa. This gel didn’t agree with me. While I finished out my run just fine, I was a tad uncomfortable and it was fortunate that it was a casual running day. Since GI amenability is my number one criteria, I won’t be going back for more of these.

Gu (Roctane Line) Cherry Lime: This actually tasted like a fifty-fifty blend of cherry lime. It’s difficult to tell how much of an energy boost it provided. I had taken several days off the week before due to a minor cold and the three days prior, I had run at a relatively easy pace, so I was ready to run hard. But, I was able to push hard the whole way and never felt fatigued so I will give some credit to the gel. It has 35mg of caffeine.

Gu (Rotane Line) Chocolate Coconut: I’m not a big coconut fan but I figured I would test this one. In situations where it would have been impolite to decline a coconut-flavored dessert, I’ve eaten coconut cake, pie, etc. This tasted a lot like those, with a dash of chocolate. For those of you who like coconut, this bodes well, as there was positive feedback at these various dinner parties for the coconut-flavored desserts. The wind was up the day I used this and I had run hard the day before yet I felt good. While the taste was not to my liking, I think this product would be good for those who like coconut.

Gu (Roctane Line) Cold Brew Coffee. I first had cold brew coffee by being impatient. While staying at a hotel, I wanted coffee about an hour or so before running but didn’t want to go 15 floors downstairs to a carafe that was often empty. To solve this, one night I bought a bottle of cold brew coffee to keep in my room refrigerator for the next morning. This Gu tastes just like it and it works well.

Gu (Roctane Line) Lemonade: This tasted like lemon meringue pie filling. Even better, I’d had a lot of coffee and not that much breakfast that morning. My stomach wasn’t upset, but it wasn’t 100% settled. This Gu did not make it worse and may have made it better. Thumbs-up on this one.

Gu (Roctane Line) Sea Salt Chocolate: I tasted all chocolate and no sea salt. Not a problem, unless you are really going for the salt flavor. As far as effectiveness, it was very smooth on the intake and didn’t cause any GI issues. I didn’t notice any especially large boost but I wasn’t sluggish either. This wouldn’t be my first choice to carry with me but I’d be okay with it if there were no other choice.

Gu (Roctane Line) Tutti Frutti: Imagine taking every sugary item from a carnival or a circus and combining it into one gooey product. That’s what this tasted like. I’ve leave it to you to decide whether that’s a good thing. On the energy side, it was a solid product though, to tip my hand on the flavor, I won’t be eating it again.

Hammer Gel Apple Cinnamon: This was fine, kind of like the inside of an apple-cinnamon pastry. I didn’t feel any significant boost from it so I wouldn’t use it as a go-to gel, but if it were the only thing on a course and I needed something, I’d be okay with using it.

Hammer Gel Espresso: This was funny as it was thicker than espresso yet the gel is thinner than other sport gels. I had this conflicting sensation on my tongue of a product that was simultaneously thinner and thicker than it should have been. However, this points to the well-replicated flavor as it tasted exactly like espresso. 50mg of caffeine and it felt good.

Hammer Gel Montana Huckleberry: I am not familiar with Montana Huckleberry flavor (I’ve had the barbecue sauce version) but this had a pleasant “berry” flavor and was good enough in terms of energy. Like other Hammer Gels, it was easy to take down.

Hammer Gel Nocciola: This was more specifically defined as “Chocolate-Hazelnut” and it was definitely a combination of those flavors. While I’m not a fan of hazelnut, it seemed that people who are would like this product. I didn’t have high hopes for great speed on the workout where I tried this but it ended up being a pretty good one, so it did serve its main purpose.

Hammer Gel Orange (Real Fruit!) Presumably there is real fruit in this and presumably it’s orange. Oddly, this didn’t taste exactly like orange. There was a hint of it but while it was sweet and pleasant, I wouldn’t define it as orange. From an energy standpoint, it was good. I’d run the night before and used this over a six-mile run, during which I felt pretty good. No GI issues. While I wouldn’t grab it again for flavor, I’d be fine picking it up on a race course.

Hammer Gel Peanut Butter: Hammer Gel is traditionally thinner than other gel products whereas peanut butter is a very thick food. I was worried that the texture would be a little off but I was curious and gave it a try. I’ve never had runny peanut butter but this was what it tasted like. For energy and flavor, it’s fine. For a bizarre culinary experience, it takes a top prize.

Hammer Gel Tropical: This tasted like a tropical smoothie; it’s phenomenal. A little caffeine boost, too (25 mg). I’d run the night before and was doing six miles on a lunch run and felt as fresh as if I’d had a day off. This is good stuff.

Hammer Gel Tropical Fruit: This tasted like a more mild version of the Honey Stinger fruit smoothie. Like the vanilla Hammer Gel (and other Hammers that I’ve tried) it has the pleasant thinner texture. If I was going for flavor, I’d go with the Honey Stinger fruit smoothie. If I was looking to take down gel fast while in a race, I’d go with the Hammer Gel.

Hammer Gel Vanilla : I’ve always found Hammer gels to be a little thinner than other gels. This can make it easier to take down while you’re mid-run. The vanilla flavor was present but not overpowering and I got the energy boost I needed. There was no caffeine. I would use this again, especially if I’m already caffeinated and I need something that can be swallowed a little more quickly.

Honey Stinger Fruit Smoothie . This one is pretty good. I ate it around 5:30 one morning before a quick early run and while it didn’t have the texture or temperature of a smoothie, it had the flavor and that’s good enough for me. Even better, on an empty stomach and downed with a glass of water, it went over just fine with my stomach. I was a little tired when I started but once this gel kicked in, I felt much better.

Honey Stinger Ginsting Gel. Taste on this one was “eh” for me and I’m glad I only purchased one packet. It was fine in terms of energy. Were it being handed out at a race, I’d be fine using it, but I’d also be looking for a good lunch or dinner place afterwards to wipe out the flavor.

Honey Stinger Gold: I think this was meant to be honey but with energy enhancement. It tasted like honey but was not quite as thick. I used it on a day where it was blowing snow but I only had shorts. At every underpass, I would stop, dry my legs off, then run like mad to the next underpass. It was similar to running a 800/1600 interval training workout. In any event, I felt good the whole way, in spite of my legs being cold. It was also a good reminder to pack tights in the wintertime, especially when you’re on the fence on whether you’ll need them. The run would have been ten times more pleasant.

Honey Stinger Mango Orange. This one had a very mild orange flavor that was fine. My legs were sluggish when I started but at about the mile mark, I felt much better. It scored acceptable to well on all three of my criteria. Given that the flavor didn’t blow me away, I wouldn’t stock up on it but I would gladly use it during an event.

Honey Stinger Strawberry Kiwi: The good thing about Honey Stinger is that there’s usually a strong honey flavor which masks any other flavors that might be unpleasant. The downside is that it hard to tell what flavor you have. This may have tasted like Strawberry Kiwi, but mostly I tasted honey. I’m okay with that as I’m not generally a kiwi fan. It also has 32 mg of caffeine. I liked this and it did the job. I’m not sure I would buy it again, in that there are other honey stinger flavors I like better, even if they’re barely detectable, but if a race was handing them out, I’d be good with it.

Honey Stinger Vanilla: One taste of this took me back to the fall of 1998 when I was training for the Columbus Marathon and had mail-ordered, with a check, a case of Vanilla PowerGel. Fast-forward twenty-one years and to a different product that tastes the exact same and does a remarkably good job at energy delivery. I have no idea how it stacks up against the current PowerGel but the Honey Stinger version is one I would definitely use again and based on results, I don’t think it’s nostalgia.

Hüma Chia Energy Gel Blueberries: Just like eating the filling of a blueberry pie. I ate this right before a 5:30 a.m. run and it was gentle on the stomach and, having been on a quick 5-mile run in 90+ temps the day before, it definitely gave me a good boost.

Hüma Chia Energy Gel Café Mocha: Unlike Clif Shot Mocha, this one is much thinner and easier to swallow quickly. That’s the positive. The downside is that the mocha didn’t taste quite as good (it seemed like the espresso got a bit burned) and though it had caffeine, I didn’t feel any kind of energy boost. My legs felt fairly heavy the whole time and I never was able to get past that. This was especially odd since I’d not run the day before. As I mentioned in my Hüma strawberries review, I do like some of their products, especially because they are good in the wee hours of the morning, but this specific one just didn’t do it.

Hüma Chia Energy Gel Lemonade: I liked this one for a couple of reasons. It has a little caffeine, I felt good even though I hadn’t had much breakfast, and it was very easy on the stomach, which is a plus with all the Hüma gels. I know this one was easy on the stomach because of what I’d eaten the day/night before and how I’d felt earlier in the morning. The taste was a little odd. The lemonade flavor was there, just not strong. It had a similar texture to the Hüma strawberries, but not as intense.

Hüma Chia Energy Gel Strawberries. I will never eat this again. Generally I like Hüma energy gels, especially on an empty stomach in the morning. However, while this one had a strawberry flavor and while it wasn’t foul, it was odd and not pleasant. On the positive side, it delivered good energy and was easy on the digestive system so no complaints there. But, the flavor was one of the strangest I’ve encountered.

Clif Bar Caramel Macchiato: This has a strong coffee flavor, along with the caramel and I enjoyed that. It does contain a full shot of espresso which is a nice jolt, especially if you’re running midday. Overall, this worked well.

Clif Bar Fruit Smoothie Filled Blueberry Acai: This seemed like it had potential but it wasn’t much different than a standard Clif Bar. The interior was still very chewy. I liked it, it tasted like Blueberry, and it had good energy, but if they’re more expensive than the traditional Clif bars (and I forgot to check the price comparison) I wouldn’t see any reason to pay more for them.

Clif Bar Nut Butter Filled Peanut Butter: This tastes like a Clif Bar, just filled with peanut butter. As I like Clif Bars and peanut butter, I enjoyed this. As an energy food, I used it on a morning when I was planning to run six miles but ended up running just over nine as I felt good. I’m not sure how much of this can be attributed to the energy bar but it definitely didn’t hurt. Clif Bars cannot be eaten quickly like a gel, so this is primarily good as a pre-run or race food, unless you were prepared to slow down or stop for few moments.

Clif Bloks Cran Razz: These tasted just like Cranberry-Raspberry and looked similar to the canned cranberry sauce seen on Thanksgiving tables. The flavor was good and the energy was decent, too. I would use them as a pre-run food.

Clif Bloks Ginger Ale: I was concerned that eating this product would be similar to eating mushy-textured blocks that tasted like stale ginger ale. They were nothing like that. The ginger taste was sharp. Not quite as intense as the ginger out of a sushi tray, but more flavorful than a can of ginger ale. I used it before a six mile run on a morning when I’d had lots of coffee, not much breakfast, and had been running errands for a couple of hours. My run went well, so I like this product.

Clif Bloks Orange: This product has 25mg of caffeine. I’m not sure how to rate it. Part of my sluggishness may have been the heat the day I used it. My time and energy on the first 3.5 miles was solid but it fell off. Clif is traditionally a good product for me so I may have to give this one another shot. In the meantime, given the heat factor and that the product didn’t adversely affect me, I’d say it’s okay.

Clif Bloks Salted Watermelon: These advertise “2X Sodium” and you can taste it. It doesn’t completely block out the watermelon, but it dwarfs it. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you like salt. From an energy standpoint, these seemed pretty good. I felt very strong through my run. However, it was borderline on my most important criteria which is GI amenability. While I’m not sure if they’re fully to blame for the mild discomfort I felt, I’m not sure where else I would point. As I’ve mentioned, different products affect people in all kinds of various ways so I’m sure this is a good one for some people, but I will be steering clear of it in the future.

Clif Bloks Spearmint: These are a new flavor in this line and taste like a chewy breath mint. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a breath mint right before running so it was a new sensation. GI-wise, they were good. Energy wise, they were fine. I used this on a day when I was rested and felt pretty average, so I don’t think they gave me a significant boost.

Clif Bloks Strawberry: This one was odd. To be fair, I didn’t feel all that great the morning I used it. My head hurt, I had run really hard the night before, and my stomach was feeling odd. I ran strong the whole way back so that’s a testament to this being a solid product. If you’re not in it for the taste (and it didn’t taste bad) then this is a good one.

Clif Bloks Tropical Punch: These were outstanding. The flavor was excellent, there was a little caffeine book (25 mg) and I felt like I could have gone for many more miles and at a faster pace. However, I had to get back to my desk, so I’ll just have to pick up another pack of these and see how far I can push it next time.

Daelmans Stroopwafel: These are not necessarily designed as energy food though they have the same appearance and texture as the Honey Stinger and Gu waffles. I liked it, in that it tasted good and I felt good on the run. Were I to have to buy these while travelling, I would be good with that.

Gatorade Prime Energy Chews Cool Blue: I’m not sure what Cool Blue is supposed to taste like and I couldn’t place it, but it was pretty good. As far as energy went, I liked these and they settled well with the GI.

Gatorade Prime Energy Chews Fruit Punch. These taste pretty good. I was skeptical, thinking that Gatorade was just trying to get into the energy food game but I used these on an empty stomach and felt good on a run that included a fair amount of wind. Also, a friend of mine who veers more towards natural energy foods and beverages (ie, not Gatorade) likes them too, so consider this two endorsements for this product.

Gatorade Prime Energy Chews Green Apple: I likened the Gatorade Fierce Green Apple beverage to drinking a green apple Jolly Rancher. These are like eating chewy Green Apple Jolly Ranchers, so the taste is excellent. On the energy and GI side, they are good, too.

Gu Chews Strawberry: I used these one morning after having run the night before. I had to be careful because I was on race taper and needed to avoid moving too quickly, but I also wanted to feel energetic. These worked well for all three of my criteria. I wouldn’t use them during a race as they are very sticky and chewy, but as a pre-run food, they’re good.

Gu Stroopwaffle Coffee Caramel: There is a strong coffee flavor which I enjoy, accented by the caramel. It does have caffeine, which is appropriate. I used this after a 10K race and before a 3-mile cool down.Considering I had just raced, this worked very well as I felt good the whole time. Like other waffles, I would prefer to use this either before or after a run as it is a solid food.

Gu Stroopwafel Hot Chocolate with a Hint of Cinnamon: I was pretty excited about this one but the texture was a little more chalky than I would have figured. However, I was eating it prior to my run so it didn’t interfere with that. As far as energy goes, I would give this one a thumbs-up and it didn’t affect my GI at all, which is another bonus. It might just be difficult to take down quickly mid-run.

Hammer Bar Raw Energy Oatmeal Apple: I went bug-eyed, and not in a good way, when I started this but I managed to get it down. It wasn’t the flavor that induced this reaction but the texture, which couldn’t make up its mind between being a bar or some gooey substance. From an energy and GI standpoint, it seemed fine but I won’t be buying more.

Honey Stinger Energy Chews Cherry Cola: I don’t know the last time I had a Cherry-flavored soft drink but this tasted like the ones I remember. I felt good, in spite of a light breakfast earlier that day.

Honey Stinger Energy Chews Fruit Smoothie: These chews are in various colors and taste very much like a fruit smoothie. I was a little sluggish at the beginning of this run but had some kick towards the end which I’ll partially attribute to them. Good stuff.

Honey Stinger Energy Chews Orange Blossom: These tasted very good and were light on the tongue. Even better, I had gone very light on breakfast five hours before this and was yearning for food. However, I felt good during my run, so these get a solid endorsement.

Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade. These taste like small chewy squares of pink lemonade so if you like that beverage, you’ll like this energy food. GI-wise, they were excellent. And, I was pretty tired that day but eating these before I ran, I felt good, so I have to say they did their job well.

Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews Strawberry: These tasted like strawberry but I didn’t feel a big boost of energy. While they agreed with me taste-wise and GI-wise, this may be my last packet.

Honey Stinger Organic Cracker n’ Nut Butter Snack Bar Peanut Butter Filled, Covered in Milk Chocolate, Plus Sea Salt: The name of this thing is will rival the length of the review. The crackers, located between the chocolate and peanut butter make it a little messy, and the peanut butter is a harder texture, similar to the interior of a Butterfinger. This wouldn’t be a problem out on the trails or roads. However, it would be difficult to eat while in motion. It’s a mouthful and is not designed to be swallowed quickly. It was excellent as a pre-race food and if you were doing an ultra and stopping for a few moments, it would be good solid food to take down. It tasted like you would expect these ingredients to taste when mixed together.

Honey Stinger Waffle Gingersnap: Excellent taste and more like a cookie–a plus. I prefer these either a little while before my run or as a replenishment snack after. A fair number of crumbs but if you’re outside, you’ll make some local insects happy.

Honey Stinger Waffle Strawberry: Excellent flavor. Like the gingersnap waffle (see my previous review of that), I like it best either before or as a recovery snack.

Honey Stinger Waffle Wildflower Honey Gluten Free: I don’t know if it was the absence of gluten or too heavy a dose of wildflower but the taste on this one wasn’t great. As far as energy, it worked pretty well so if it was being handed out at a running event with no other options, I’d be okay with it.

Jelly Belly Sport Beans Fruit Punch Flavor. The fruit punch flavor was outstanding. To be honest, I felt pretty normal on my run. I had run the night before so it’s possible that these got me feeling normal as opposed to tired, but they didn’t dazzle me with their energy. Still, the flavor was, as mentioned, excellent. I would definitely carry these on a longer run if I thought I might need a break from gels. If nothing else, it’s like digging into the jelly belly bowl at Easter.

Jelly Belly Sport Beans Lemon Lime: These taste like you would expect lemon lime jelly beans to taste, which is to say pretty good. For the energy boost, I did feel better on last two-thirds of my run so I would say they did their job. No caffeine in this one so they are better if you’ve already had your morning caffeine.

Jelly Belly Sport Beans Orange and Jelly Belly Sport Beans Berry: I’m lumping these two together. While the flavor was solid on both, I wasn’t blown away by how I felt during my run. They would be something solid to eat while on a run, but I wouldn’t expect them to deliver a good boost.

Jelly Belly Extreme Sport Beans Watermelon: I assume you’re familiar with the taste of orange juice right after you’ve brushed your teeth. There was a hint of that flavor while eating these. My first reaction was that I must have just brushed my teeth, until I remembered that I had not. While the watermelon part was stronger than the “orange juice on just brushed teeth” portion, it was an odd taste. There were 50mg of caffeine and though I was sluggish much of the morning, there was a positive energy factor. Its main purpose, an energy boost, was good but the flavor was poor. If I had nothing else to use on a long run, I could handle either of these. However, I’ll be purchasing other flavors of this product.

Picky Bars Moroccan Your World: I tried a few samples of Picky Bars at a running event one evening and then purchased this flavor. I must have been famished on my first try as I liked them there. The flavor isn’t bad but it didn’t change my world. As far as any energy benefit, I didn’t notice anything substantial. This gets a lukewarm review. Not bad, not good. Maybe functional.

Run Gum Spearmint: This is highly-caffeinated gum and one tablet equates to one cup of coffee, which is around 95 mg. Most running foods with caffeine have 25-35 mg with the exception of a couple of the espresso flavors that have more. The texture didn’t start out like traditional gum but a few moments in, it felt and tasted like any other piece of spearmint gum. I did feel a nice boost of energy but going forward I would use it to help supplement non-caffeinated running food. For example, if I were on a longer run and wasn’t sure if I wanted a caffeine boost, I would carry some Clif Bloks or a waffle and, if I needed caffeine, would use one of these right after I finished the other food.

Skratch Energy Bar Miso & Crushed Red Pepper. The taste on this is excellent and it’s very different from the sweet flavors that normally dominate energy foods and bars. The red pepper is not a token presence either; this bar has some kick. I liked it overall and I liked the energy.

Skratch Energy Chews Raspberry: Like many energy chews, these would be more difficult to take down mid-run though if you were in an ultra where you expected to stop for refueling, they would work. The flavor was good and so were the results.

Gatorade Arctic Blitz: Some Gatorade drinks can be a little much to handle in the mornings. This one, part of their “Frost” line, bucks that trend and does it well. I’ve used it a few times for early morning runs and it fuels me and my GI feels good.

Gatorade Blackberry Wave: This is a very light tasting beverage and part of their “Flow” line. I used it before a hard six-mile run and I was impressed with how it worked. At no point did I feel any effects of having consumed liquids right before departing. On the flip side, I’m not sure it would be as powerful as a recovery beverage but for pre and in-workout, it was excellent.

Gatorade Cucumber Lime: If you ever wondered what it would taste like to drink a cucumber that’s been seasoned with lime, here’s your answer. I used this on a cold, snowy day though it had a “summery” taste. One thing that I liked was the lightness of the flavor. If you were feeling full but you needed hydration, taste-wise this might feel better going down. Technically it may fill you up the same way but the placebo effect could be there. I was not a fan of the taste but I could see value in using it for sustained energy. If you like the taste of drinking a cucumber, that’s an added bonus with this one.

Gatorade Glacier Freeze: This flavor is part of the “Frost” line. Similar to Fierce Grape, I like using it mostly as a recovery drink and not in-run. If I drink it far enough in advance (15 to 30 minutes), it’s okay as a pre-run drink but I do need that time buffer.

Gatorade Fierce Grape: I like this drink primarily as a recovery beverage. I’m not sure why, but it sits a little heavier with me if I use it before or during a run. However, as a recovery drink, it’s outstanding and it tastes like a slowly-starting-to-melt grape snow cone.

Gatorade Fierce Green Apple as it tastes either at room temperature or chilled. (See my Summer Running post for why I made this comment.) It’s like drinking a green apple Jolly Rancher. It’s that awesome. I enjoy it both before, during, and after the run. It’s refreshing and doesn’t create any GI issues for me. I tend to like the Fierce line and will discuss the nuances of their other flavors in future posts.

Gatorade Lemonade: This tastes almost identical to the classic Lemon-Lime flavor so if you like one of these but only see the other on the shelf, you won’t be disappointed with either type. The flavor is good. I used it before a tempo run as well as at a couple of red lights at intersections during the run. It didn’t sit heavy on the stomach and I felt good the whole way, both from an energy and a hydration standpoint.

Gatorade Rain Berry: This has the scent of a floral bouquet but has a light berry taste. I enjoyed this. It’s part of their Frost line and it sat well in my stomach, so I could see using it during a race.

Gatorade Riptide Rush: This has a pleasant light grape taste and for me, it’s a recovery beverage. Nothing’s gone poorly while using it during a run, but I notice its presence more than I would prefer.

Gatorade Tidal Punch. This is part of their “Flow” line. I can’t place the flavor on this one. However, it’s acceptable. It’s also a very light type of Gatorade which makes it ideal for pre- and in-run consumption. I drank this before doing a seven mile run with some significant hills while pushing my daughter in the Bob. I felt good the whole time and the pace was solid, so I’ll give it a thumbs-up.

Heed (by Hammer) Mandarin Orange: This beverage tasted like orange bubble gum. It had a very light flavor but I liked it. I used it on an eleven-mile out-and-back run which involved running into the wind for much of the second half. While my legs ached and pushing against the wind is not pleasant, my overall time for the run turned out well so I’ll give some credit to this being a solid energy drink.

Nuun Grape: Like many Nuun products, this is a very light-tasting beverage. It’s a little weak on flavor, even for Nuun, but it works in terms of running fuel.

Powerade Fruit Punch: This is a product I like especially prior to a run/race and during the run/race. Its flavor is mild and it keeps me starting and going on all cylinders.

Powerade Lemon Lime. One difference between Gatorade and Powerade is that the latter tastes a bit lighter. The lemon-lime flavor is similar between these two with that exception. The only times I’ve used Powerade Lemon Lime has been in hot weather and it works well for that, and the flavor is good. I don’t routinely go to this flavor but after this most recent test, I’m thinking I should more often.

Reign Peach Fizz: This is an energy drink from the same company as the Monster line of beverages though designed more for workout use and recovery. I got this as a free sample, not by seeking it out. In a 16 oz. can it has 300 mg of caffeine which would be like drinking six 12 oz. cans of Mountain Dew. I only drank half and it was apparently more than enough. I thought my head was going to blow off and not in a good way. I was pretty fidgety the whole run and focusing was difficult, though it was supposed to enhance that. Long story short, I did not finish the second half of the drink and I won’t be using this one again.

Skratch Hydration Drink Matcha Green Tea & Lemon. I don’t like tea. I like it even less with lemon. I thought this was lemon-lime. The packaging color is similar enough to their lemon-lime that I don’t know if this was a mis-stocked packet or user error. Either way, I winced at first taste. However, as much as I disliked the flavor, which is due to my preference and not the taste quality, this stuff works really well. The morning was hot but using this, I felt outstanding the whole way. Also, this is non-gmo, gluten free, dairy free, kosher, and vegan. Highly recommended if you like tea.

Skratch Hydration Lemon Lime: The first time I got “lemon lime” it was a green Skratch package but it was green tea flavored. That will surprise your taste buds. This time, I actually got lemon lime, it tasted like lemon lime, and it was wonderful. Even better, I used it on day when it was 99 degrees. My stomach was a little funny during the first mile but after drinking some of this, I actually felt better and I felt good through the whole run. Good stuff in this package.

Skratch Hydration Strawberry (technically called “with strawberries”): This tasted excellent and like other Skratch products, did its job well. Also, this is non-gmo, gluten free, dairy free, kosher, and vegan.

Tailwind Nutrition Endurance Fuel Lemon: Unlike the Tropical Buzz flavor, this one does not contain caffeine. I also can’t say that it tasted exactly like lemon, but the flavor was good. Most importantly, it did not cause any GI issues and it delivered on energy.

Tailwind Nutrition Caffeinated Endurance Fuel Tropical Buzz: This is a vegan energy drink and I was impressed. It tasted excellent, and it was a light flavor. The packaging suggests that you consume it in sips over the course of an hour and while it’s a lot of liquid, I never felt bloated or like I was taking too much in. Rather, I felt energized and enjoyed the flavor.

VFuel Cool Lime drink mix. I drank this prior to a 12-mile run in fairly warm conditions. Some beverages have an intense taste. This one, despite packing in a lot of energy, does not. In that sense, it lives up to its “light citrus taste” description. I felt fine on the run and kept my pace at under 7:30/mile. However, there is a mental aspect to energy drinks/food and with the light flavor, it’s more difficult to wrap my head around the energy it contains. If you like an intense flavor, this does not have that. But if you’re in a long race (like an ultra) and are feeling bloated on food/drinks, this could be a welcome respite.

Non-traditional food reviews:

Barbecue chicken legs. This may seem like a no-brainer but one day we had leftover bbq chicken legs and I decided to see how they would fuel me. Honestly, not well. While they more than fulfilled my criteria for the taste and didn’t create any GI issues, I was sluggish. Going forward, I’ll remember to enjoy them post-run only.

Colby Jack Cheese: This is kind of a serious review though I didn’t intend for it to be a test. I was feeling empty prior to a run one day and ate a quick slice of Colby Jack right before I left the house. Big mistake. While my run went well overall, at mile 3.7, I was a little uncomfortable and between miles 4 to 7, I realized why cheese has never been cited as an energy food or handed out at races. My overall time ended up being fine and I made the whole run without stopping. But, as much as I enjoy cheese, I will not be using it for energy food again.

Mountain Dew: This is not a standard athletic energy food but I have used it during a couple of long races and it has a nice caffeine boost. If you like the Dew, it may be worth it.

Taco Bell: This is in the context of a night-before-the-race meal. Twice recently I’ve had Taco Bell at night and then I had a phenomenal training run the next day, which surprised me. I’m not quite willing to do this before a race, but I am considering it. *Following a time trial on August 21, I found that Taco Bell could be effective as a meal the night before a race.