High temps…

For years I’ve enjoyed running in hot weather. I’m the only person I know of in this category and when I mention it to folks, I get a lot of “Really?” responses. The hot weather affects me just like anyone else, in that I need to be extra-aware of hydration and managing the effects of the heat. Yet, I enjoy it.

That being said, I’m also trying new things when running in the heat to mitigate its effects. In December of 2019 I asked for several buffs, or neck gaiters, to use for sun protection the following summer. I had no idea they would also be used as face coverings for the better part of the last twenty months. But, I still have them and though they’re a bit more threadbare from heavy use and washings, I can continue to wear them around my neck to block the sun.

For additional tips and shared experiences for hot weather running, in the interest of not being repetitive, here are two links to former posts:



Hope you’re able to get out there and enjoy the sun!