Holiday training, winter running gear…

Now that we’re coming up on the holiday season, I’m pasting four links below to past posts which cover holiday running, training in all conditions, and winter running gear. Hope you find them helpful, even if it’s a refresh.

In more recent news, I did my baseline mile attempt recently to see where I am at that distance. It was on a treadmill set at a .5 incline, which in theory mitigates any advantage you have by having to keep up with the belt as opposed to driving the energy. Also, as I have zero interest in flying off the treadmill, there were a couple of points on the third quarter where I might have pushed harder if I was on a track or the road, but I was risking losing control on the treadmill so I backed off. 5:50 was my time. I thought I would have been at 5:38 to 5:45 but given that it was a random Friday night with no speed training, it’s an okay start.

On to helpful tips:

Running during the holidays:

Running in different conditions:

Winter gear part 1:

Winter gear part 2:

Running food review of the week: (note–gels, bars, chews, and other items affect everyone differently. Try them on a short run before using them for a key training run or race): Skratch Energy Bar Miso & Crushed Red Pepper. The taste on this is excellent and it’s very different from the sweet flavors that normally dominate energy foods and bars. The red pepper is not a token presence either; this bar has some kick. I liked it overall and I liked the energy.