Frigid start…

It’s 8:30 in the morning on New Year’s Day, it’s three degrees, there’s snow on the ground, and I’m on the trail running west to meet one of my friends so we can do 4 or 5 miles. Because of the slick conditions, I’ve got on YakTrax which slow me down. I’m weighed down with the extra gear and clothes, this is a far cry from my preferred temperature, and an even further cry from my preferred extreme temperature.

While this isn’t the coldest temperature I’ve ever run in, once you get below ten degrees it all feels terrible. The only difference is that once it’s sub-zero, I start wearing an additional layer on top of already thick and/or multiple layers.

When my friend and I were texting to set the run up, I told him that running on days like today really only serves one purpose: to make you tougher as a runner. Setting aside that I enjoy running all the time, these conditions really only do serve that purpose but I see two benefits. One, it’s unlikely that race conditions will be any worse and they likely will be better. Either way, I’ve been out in them so it’s not a completely alien feeling on race day. Two, I feel it gives me a mental edge when I’m out on the race course. One could argue that going to an indoor track or running on a treadmill at a much faster pace and getting a hard workout in prepares you better for a race. This is a good alternative, but I still err on the side of going out in the rough conditions as mental toughness plays a big role in running.

I’m fortunate to be running with someone as there’s a big benefit to doing so and that’s especially true on certain runs, like speed workouts or in horrible weather conditions. If you can find someone willing to do run with you, it can take your mind off of the weather and/or how you’re feeling, and you’re working with someone through a less-than-ideal experience.

Whatever race I have next this is one run I’ll be able to remember and rely on in terms of mental fortitude when it gets tougher towards the end. Warmer temperatures are forecast for the rest of the week, so more typical conditions are forthcoming.

Running food review of the week: (note–gels, bars, chews, and other items affect everyone differently. Try them on a short run before using them for a key training run or race): Clif Blok Tropical Punch: These were outstanding. The flavor was excellent, there was a little caffeine book (25 mg) and I felt like I could have gone for many more miles and at a faster pace. However, I had to get back to my desk, so I’ll just have to pick up another pack of these and see how far I can push it next time.